ঢাকা বুধবার, মার্চ ১২, ২০২৫
UN adopts Bangladesh introduced resolution : 25 July Proclaimed as “World Drowning Prevention Day”

UN adopts Bangladesh introduced resolution : 25 July Proclaimed as “World Drowning Prevention Day”

New York, 28 April 2021: The United Nations General Assembly adopted unanimously a historic resolution on drowning prevention today. The Permanent Representative ...more

Bangladesh elected to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Executive Boards of UNICEF & UN Women

Bangladesh elected to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Executive Boards of UNICEF & UN Women

 New York, 20 April 2021: Bangladesh has been elected a member of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), a subsidiary body of the Economic and ...more
Ambassador Fatima stresses mitigating gaps of ICT, health, and education at the ECOSOC FFD Forum

Ambassador Fatima stresses mitigating gaps of ICT, health, and education at the ECOSOC FFD Forum

New York, 13 April 2021: Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations, Ambassador Rabab Fatima said today, “The lack of infrastructure, ...more

Launch of U.S.-Bangladesh Business Council in Washington DC

Launch of U.S.-Bangladesh Business Council in Washington DC

Washington DC, 06 April 2021: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in tandem with the Embassy of Bangladesh in Washington DC, launched the U.S.-Bangladesh Business ...more

World Autism Awareness Day 2021 observed in the UN

World Autism Awareness Day 2021 observed in the UN

New York, 06 April, 2021: On the occasion World Autism Awareness Day 2021, Bangladesh Permanent Mission, along with the Permanent Missions of Brazil, ...more